ASME B16.9-2018(Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings) 英文版 和 ASME B16.9-2012 (工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件)中文版 标准详解及免费下载

ASME B16.9-2018 英文版 和 ASME B16.9-2012 中文版 下载地址:见本页面底部下载链接

ASME B16.9规定了工厂制造的锻造对焊管件,类型包括90°弯头、45°弯头、90°异径弯头、180°弯头、等径三通、等径四通、异径三通、异径四通、搭接接管、管盖、异径管,尺寸规格由DN15至DN100。

NPS 规格说明:

NPS 后接一个代表尺寸大小的无量钢数,与国际标准中的公称直径DN对应关系如下:

ASME B16.9-2018(Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings) 英文版 和 ASME B16.9-2012 (工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件)中文版 标准详解及免费下载


根据管件壁厚分为简单坡口和组合坡口,管件壁厚≤22mm的采用简单坡口(Plain Bevel),大于22mm的采用组合坡口(Compound Bevel),坡口角度37.5±5°,钝边高度1.5±1.0mm。



(1) The value of tmin is whichever of the following is applicable:


(a) the minimum ordered wall thickness of the pipe, to include pipe that is purchased to a nominal wall thickness with an under tolerance  otherthan 12.5%


(b) 0.875 times the nominal wall thickness of pipe ordered to a pipe schedule wall thickness that has an under tolerance of 12.5%


(2) The maximum thickness at the end of the component is as follows:


(a) the greater of [tmin + 4 mm (0.16 in.)] or 1.15tmin when ordered on a minimum wall basis

(a) 当以最小壁厚为准订货时, [t min +4mm(0.16in)]或 1.15t min 的较大者;

(b) the greater of [tmin + 4 mm (0.16 in.)] or 1.10tnom when ordered on a nominal wall basis

(b) 当以公称壁厚为准订货时, [t min +4mm(0.16in)]或 1.10t min 的较大者。

(3) Weld bevel shown is for illustration only.

(4) The weld reinforcement permitted by applicable code may lie outside the maximum envelope.

(5) Where transitions using maximum slope do not intersect the inside or outside surfaces within the transition region,as shown by the phantom outline, maximum slopes shall be used. Alternatively, radii lying within the envelope may be used.

当采用最大斜度的过渡线在过渡区内不能与内表面或外表面相交时, 则应采用按虚线所示的最大斜度。或者, 可采用在包络区内的圆弧过渡。

ASME B16.9-2018(Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings) 英文版 和 ASME B16.9-2012 (工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件)中文版 标准详解及免费下载


ASME B16.9-2018(Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings) 英文版 和 ASME B16.9-2012 (工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件)中文版 标准详解及免费下载


ASME B16.9-2018(Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings) 英文版 和 ASME B16.9-2012 (工厂制造的锻钢对焊管件)中文版 标准详解及免费下载

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